Start from where you are…

Study hard, get a good job, work hard, save.

It’s a mantra that we’ve all had drummed in to us since we were infants.

What this conventional wisdom omits is the nagging feeling you feel as you reach middle age having dutifully jumped through each of these hoops.

No wonder mid-life crises are so prevalent.

When you come face to face with the realisation that you’ve jettisoned all your youthful aspirations and have become weighed down by commitments and a healthy level of debt.

The sad realisation is that many of us live from pay cheque to pay cheque with little runway to act as a buffer, thats why the cost of living crisis has become so existential for so many people.

Unwittingly many of us have dug ourselves a big hole of which to climb out of especially if we want to break the shackles of a traditional 9-to-5 existenace.

We know there must be something better, we just dont have the skills in our power.

Many people want to change but change is hard, and its uncertain.

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